Redeeming Love
Movie Review & Giveaway
When you think of books that have left a lasting impression on you, what stands out?
For me, the sweeping love story Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers has long held a special place in my bookshelf. A retelling of the Biblical story of Hosea, this novel is such a beautiful picture of the unfailing love of God. We’re all broken, sinful, and unfaithful. And yet, God calls us to Himself and offers healing and redemption.
And so, when I saw that a film adaption of Redeeming Love was going to be hitting theatres, I was very excited to see how this complex and classic story would come across on the screen. I was given the opportunity to preview this film in advance, and it absolutely lived up to expectations! AND to celebrate the fact that this new movie is IN THEATRES NOW, I’ve teamed up with Graf-Martin Communications to offer a giveaway! (Canada only, keep reading for how to enter!)