Book Review
The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You
by Holley Gerth
As a school-aged child, there was always one note guaranteed to show up on my school report card — “Liz needs to speak up more in class.”
The fact that I’d lose participation points for being quiet used to drive me nuts. I didn’t see the outspoken kids being docked grades for being too loud. Couldn’t they see that I was participating in class in my own way? I was helping other students one on one during lunch. I was listening attentively and getting straight A’s in all my written assignments. If you asked me to do something, I would do it. And if you gave me advance notice, I’d be fully prepared to present in front of the class.
It was just the spur of the moment, classroom discussion that felt overwhelming to me.

“I just don’t think fast enough to answer the question when they call on me,” I remember telling my mom. “I get so embarrassed because I don’t have time to fully think through my response.”

I hated the word introvert. I knew it applied to me but everyone else seemed to think it just meant I was shy. I liked copious amounts of quiet time and avoided parties or loud gatherings at all costs. One on one time was (and still is) my jam.
If you’d told me then that being an introvert wasn’t a negative quality, I wouldn’t have believed you. It’s only been the past few years that I’ve realized the unique qualities introverts bring to the table — not to mention the fact that we’ve been purposefully created this way by a God who doesn’t make mistakes. The world may prize extroverts, but we have something to offer too.
So when I saw Holley Gerth’s new book, “The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You,” I knew I needed to grab a copy.
Holley walks readers through everything from brain science to psychological, relational and spiritual aspects of being an introvert. Exploring who God created us to be, Gerth offers strategies to help introverts maximize strengths and overcome struggles.
“When we turn inward, we’re not withdrawing or holding back; we’re choosing to show up in a sacred space of creativity, contemplation, and imagination. Our inner worlds are where insights, innovations, breakthroughs, solutions, and intimate connections with God originate.”
Holley Gerth, The Powerful Purpose of Introverts
This is a book that I wish I’d read in high school. It was illuminating and thought-provoking. (Who knew that my very complaint — being a “slow thinker” — could be a strength. Reflection! A willingness to pause and think through the best way forward. As Gerth says, “Introverts thrive with reflection. Our longer brain pathway works best when we take time to process.”) In so many ways, reading this book just felt like “finally, someone gets it.”
If you’re an introvert or love someone who is an introvert, I definitely recommend checking this one out!
You can grab a copy of The Powerful Purpose of Introverts on Amazon, here.
**Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group
and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. All opinions expressed are my own.
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