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Book Review: Fiercehearted by Holley Gerth

If you’ve spent any time with me, you’ll know that I can fill endless hours with a good book. If a book is well written, I can immerse myself in almost any genre of writing and be completely satisfied. But if I’m being particularly truthful, there are genres that I don’t usually find myself drawn towards — and this is one of them.

Fiercehearted is written by Holley Gerth, a bestselling author, counselor, and life coach.

And I think if we’re being completely honest, the title “life coach” is why I tend to avoid books like this. It sets off too many alarms within my brain. I gear myself for books that are entirely “me-centric” rather than Christ-centric — a path I just don’t want to entertain. And I think that’s why I found myself so pleasantly surprised by Gerth’s book. Woven throughout each chapter is the call to embrace life as one who has been intricately designed by the Creator, and to live life fuller for Him.

Except From the Publisher:
“Every day we struggle to find more freedom, joy, and purpose. What if the solution isn’t trying harder or being better but embracing the fiercehearted woman already inside us? A fiercehearted woman looks life in the face and says, “You can’t beat me.” She lives fully and loves bravely. She never gives in, never gives up, and never lets go. She dares to be who she is–imperfect and beloved.”

Covering a wide variety of topics as told through the author’s personal experiences, the book is story-based, yet feels incredibly relatable. Each chapter in the book reads as if it is a conversation; written as if you and the author are settled into your favourite chairs at the local coffee shop, sipping drinks and swapping tears and laughter.

The chapters themselves are short and concise, and feel very similar to a collection of blog posts. I found myself giggling out loud in one chapter and tearing up in the next. While the language initially felt flowery and overly-crammed with similes and metaphors, there is a lot of beauty encapsulated in way Gerth writes. She paints the ordinary into something challenging and exquisite.

I love this book’s reminder that we are not alone, that we are works in progress, and that what the world views as weakness can be strength in Christ. As we lay down who we think we should be, we begin to discover who God has made us to be, and who we are in Him. To live fiercehearted means to live courageously and authentically, intentionally walking in the fullness of relationship with the One who made us.

I very happily and easily give this book 4 stars out of 5.


**Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group
and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.**

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